Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Plan

The night was terrifying, as the great monster with one eye sat awake most the night, taunting us with his glaring eye. The worst event that occurred on this horrific night was when this giant brute got hungry. With his mighty strong hands, he scooped up my men like they were nothing but a pile of pebbles on the earth and gobbled them up in seconds. Was this the punishment of the gods? If it is, may they have mercy on me, for when I meet the fearful Hades I wish not to rot in the pits of the underworld. But our savior came when the gods brought the sun into the blue sky and the giant beast had awoken and departed from his home in the cave, but of course with him, he took the lives of more of my men. It's only matter of fate before he eats me as well, and I join the army of the underworld. I refuse to meet my fate on this wretched island and to this awful beast who stole the lives of my crew. I must plan to escape this island before I meet the underworld. But how? How shall I defeat the one eyed beast? Well of course! It's eye, the monster's only weakness! I shall indulge this hideous beast with blood red wine until he is tipsy. Then, by the fate of the gods I shall drive a spear into his eye, blinding him and teaching him the consequences of the great warrior,  Odysseus!
#WestieReadsOdyssey #WestieIsOdysseus


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous: If you are a student in ELA 10, please expand this comment so that it goes beyond "flat feedback" to provide evidence.

  2. I like how you imagined yourself in the moment of the story! I love the picture - this image supports the content of the story. I can tell that you put a lot of work into this blog assignment and overall project.
    -Ms. M

  3. i like how you provide descriptive details about book 9 and your pictures went well with your blog.

  4. I love this entire blog! You really penetrate Odysseus' brain and his thought process, and by using questioning as a technique, you build suspense for the reader. I think your project displays loads of creativity and originality. Excellent work!

    ~Ms. Grillo
