Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Entering the Cyclops Island

Land! Land once more! We are weary from the travels of the sea and Poseidon's rage against us. As we climb off the boat, the sight of flocks of woolly sheep, fresh grass and wild livestock brings joy to us, as we are starving from our journey. Taking our strongest warriors, we ventured ahead, taking care of our hunger as we went by the supplies given to us in forms of animals.with our hunger sedated, our curiosity begged to be relieved as we went further inland by the will of the gods. Among our travels. one of my men called out the sight of a large opening, the mouth of a dark cave. We stood in front, pondering if it was fate of the gods to come here or just a mere coincidence. Without much thought after it, we entered the cave. Inside, we came to a monstrous sight. In the center of the wide cave was a large figure, its shadow reflected onto us by the dancing fire it sat in front of. It turned, causing quite the racket as it shook everything around it so vigorously, the gods themselves could feel it.  When the dancing flames flickered  light upon its face we witnessed the stare of the great Cyclops before us. He had a giant round eye in the center of his forehead, a big nose with flaring nostrils and a large mouth full of rough teeth. He was giant compared to the size of mortal men, and at this moment we heard a boulder grinding against the stone floor as the entrance was blocked off, leaving us with only the flickering light of the monster's fire and the monster himself. I knew this would not end well for my crew. 

#WestieReadsOdyssey #WestieIsOdysseus 


  1. I like how you provided vivid verbs and specific language throughout your blog post. Your language choices made for an interesting read about your book. I like how you cited your images below each image; this is a helpful organizational and design choice for the viewer. You may want to think about breaking up your posts with a quotation or two from the book. Good work on this project.
    -Ms. M

  2. I think is very interesting . I really like the design and the photos.
