Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Escape

Quote: “If ever mortal man inquire how you were put to shame and blinded, tell him Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son, whose home’s on Ithaka!”

My plan worked; I have defeated this cold-hearted monster. Filled with joy I am, laughing. He fell for my tremendous trick. The name I gave him has deceived him. No one will help this beast now. Kyklops stumbled to the doorstone- weak has he might be, weeping from the great pain we have caused him. The fool pushed the doorstone, and he placed his big body in the way trapping us in his cave. Terrified to see death before me, I was thinking of a way to get me and the rest of my men out of this place. For once I thought we were doomed then I saw the Kyklops’ rams and the ideas came rushing to me. I told my men: Get those lovely rams together,” As their captain, they did just that. Silently, my crew gathered the rams together while some of us stood there twinning cords from the Kyklops’ bed to tie two or three rams/sheeps together, placing a man in the middle to ride past the man-eating beast. The rams shielded the men as I planned, and we waited on “till morning to make our move when the Kyklops lets them out as he does every morning.

Dawn arose and my men got ready and placed themselves in position between the rams, but blinded, the Kyklops could not milk his rams as he does each morning, so he let them loose. Kyklops searched with extreme pain from his head and stroke each ram that he held and let them out; his hands seemed to blind him, for he did not feel the men underneath them. I took the woolliest ram of them all, the ram was caught by Kyklops. He patted him and said, “You have never lingered like this before. Are you weeping over you master’s eye? Nohbdy has worked against me.” He let loose, and when I reached where the others were, I cut myself from the ram and went around freeing my men from the rams.

Our crew back on ship was glad to see us but was sad for those who couldn’t escape death. To my crew, I said, “round up these rams for we shall feast on them on waters!” I went back to the Kyklops, and he prayed to the gods for revenge- Zeus will never give such gift to a man- eating beast. I shouted this and said to Zeus for any men or god that asked who have done this thing to you tell them the great warrior from Ithaka, Odysseus too your eye! I went off to my ship and we sailed away never to return.
#TheGreatestWarrior #Mischievious 
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  1. I like how your posts are very specific, using detailed imagery in your writing. I also like how you expanded your writing beyond the 200 word limit that was required as a baseline. This really shows how you are able to go above and beyond on given tasks, and that you stuck with your writing, even though it may have been difficult.

  2. One suggestion: make sure that your image is visible on this post!

  3. I enjoyed your post not just because of your effort of going above and beyond but also because the titles,hashtags and also the quote...
