Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Lotus Eaters

With the blood of the fallen stained on my hands and mind, we departed with the remaining members of the crew, as the grey sea swept us farther and farther from the island of the Cicones. Those men were fighting until the light left their eyes and great Hades stole their last gasping breath in order to avenge those we slaughtered. The sea has calmed my fighting spirit, but the guilt will haunt me for my  mortal life.  With these dark thoughts clouding my mind, the only thing that brings me hope of ever reaching home is the waves crashing against the boat. But this calm didn't last long as the waves rose high, higher then the heavens themselves as they ruthlessly crashed against our ship. The terror was seen and heard as we were drenched, head to toe. In that moment, I realized this is where we will meet our fate, our punishment from the fearful gods for our rampage. Within the madness of the storm, all I could remember was a giant wave slamming roughly against our boat. When we finally recovered from the storm, and the great sky trimmed with red from the rising sun, we found ourselves perched on the yellow sands of a calm island. Our boat had luckily survived the storm, but our supplies had been swiped away. Gathering my men and our weapons, We marched onward into the island. The sight we came upon was nothing we expected. The people here were calm and peaceful like the ocean after a storm. They came to us, beckoning us to consume a beautiful flower, a lotus. At the sight of the flower, some of the crew lunged like hungry beasts at the opportunity, but i was wiser then to fall for their tricks.  I could see past the appealing lies of appearance, and turned to my men with a warning that if this beautiful flower was consumed, you would loose sight of the hope ever going home.  With the remaining members of my crew, we dragged our tipsy brothers back across the land to the sandy shores where we had no choice but to tie them down to the ship, so they could not escape and return to the Lotus's curse of peace, and with that we were at sea again at Poseidon's will to guide us home.
#WestieReadsOdyssey #WestieIsOdysseus
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1 comment:

  1. I like how you designed your blog to reflect the content of the story, but also to make it clear for the reader to understand what you are writing. I appreciate that your images support your content. I can tell that you put a lot of time into selecting images that support your text.
    -Ms. McCarthy
